A mysterious mirror has been invented by the manipulation of two young scientists. Ming Zher poh was a medical- engineering graduate student of Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In one evening Ming Zher Poh and his roommate Dan Mcduff invited few of their friends and told them to sit before a laptop and he was trying to transfigure the computer webcam into a heart rate monitor.
Ming anticipated that this creation will be useful for the Doctors to measure important signals of the burning patients. However Poh’s endeavor became wasteful.This system will help to check baby's heart rate and it will also be important to measure the cardiovascular system. After some time poh made another experiment for establishing his theory. In the Mit Media Lab Poh brought a large mirror and attach it to a more refined version. During this time Poh attached his laptop with behind the two way glass through wire. Then he stood before the mirror for achieving the result.
Ming anticipated that this creation will be useful for the Doctors to measure important signals of the burning patients. However Poh’s endeavor became wasteful.This system will help to check baby's heart rate and it will also be important to measure the cardiovascular system. After some time poh made another experiment for establishing his theory. In the Mit Media Lab Poh brought a large mirror and attach it to a more refined version. During this time Poh attached his laptop with behind the two way glass through wire. Then he stood before the mirror for achieving the result.
When anyone’s heart started to beat, it mails an impulse of blood through blood container. Generally blood soak up light and when it travels through blood container, the rest of the light hit skin, is reflected. A webcam can pick up every little oscillation of blood in reflected light and a programmer computer can convert that data into heart rate reading. Normally researcher used high resolution camera to track this process. But Poh used a simple webcam so that every computer and Smartphone can measure the heart rate. Poh is thinking that he would bring the computer in market. He is affirmed that this system will helpful of measuring not only respiratory rate as well as blood oxygen saturation. He said “this shows your inner health”
It is very helpful to the people .It’s contactless approach is very cooperative to the baby’s and burn patients and also to the people who have sensitive skin. This mirror can give the vital sign of your health.
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