It mutates one's skin into tree bark.
In the past life soldiers often inserted tree’s barks, darts, worms and other organic material into their skin so that they could be a part of their environment and to make themselves hide from enemy. The Mongols in Asia, the Huns in Europe and the Vandals in African soldiers always used this process.
The tree man like syndrome concept has been going on from the past. In the past people were inserted various vermin, insects in their skin intentionally and from then tree man syndrome relation is prevailing. This future intentional exploitation is the present causes of this disease.The Human Papillomavirus physically case this disease.It starts with a single warts and cotinued the process untill the whole body is covered.
In tree man syndrome, the warts sprout very fast both outside and inside of the human skin. This disease causes the skin developed unrestrainedly. In this dreadful disease the skin became broad and desensitized. The people, who have poor immunity power, are unable to fight with HPV. In this skin disorder new skin originates and the old skin dies.
In this tree man syndrome disease, people became the victim of this disease by a virus but the most thinkable thing is that it is not cured by skin grafting, genetic manipulation or the skin effacing. The TMS can be mitigated by taking vitamins and anti-viral medicine. The TMS affected people should be surrounded with loving people so that they can properly lead their life.
Recently an Indonesian fisherman is suffering from this disease. He feared that he would be killed in this disease. But an American doctor, Anthony Gaspari assured him of giving a better life. This man’s name is Dede. After this disease he dismissed from his service and his wife too. He has two children. He has very rare immune system. Dr Gaspari described the case in his own words as:
”The likelihood of having his deficiency is less than one in a million. I've never seen anything like this in my entire career. Over the course of three to six months the warts should be come smaller and fewer in numbers. He will be living a more normal life."
After nine months surgery Dede Koswara looks like more human and his warts decrease immensely. He already has been recovered from 95% from the deadly warts.
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